A woman painting on a canvas

The Ultimate Guide to Painting for Beginners

While the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc worldwide, it has finally given people the time to pursue the passion or hobby they never got time for before. Painting is one such activity that isn’t only extremely fun but has several mental benefits too.

If you’ve always wanted to paint but never got the opportunity to, now is the time. This guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to know before starting your painting journey.

Set Up a Workspace

A woman drawing in a workspace

The first step for doing any work is to ensure you have a personalized and distraction-free workspace. Even the slightest distractions can cause you to lose your thought process.

Especially when it comes to painting, you need to make sure you have an isolated area, preferably indoors, so that leaves or birds don’t ruin your painting.

Invest in the Right Material

Paintbrushes inside a container

Without suitable material or paintbrushes, you can never achieve your desired results. You’ll need the following equipment: a canvas, oil paints, a solvent, a palette to mix your colors, high-quality paintbrushes preferably from synthetic fibers, and an old rag or towel to avoid making a mess.

Once you’ve practiced with these basic supplies, you can expand your equipment base to increase the complexity and level of your artwork.

Prime Your Painting Canvas

Oil painting is tricky. The paint tends to be extremely thick, making it hard to mix or spread. Due to the thickness, seeping through the canvas to the other side is also likely.

Applying primer to your canvas will help you in two ways. First, it will prevent the paint from seeping through the other side of the canvas and ruining your surface. Second, it will help the application and mixing of the colors on the canvas smoothly.

Mix the Colors on The Palette First

A palette with different paints

Even though a color might look perfect for what you’re aiming for in the container, it might not be what you think it is. Transferring the paint from the container directly to your canvas is a rookie mistake.

It’s best to test the color and consistency of the paint on the palette, see if it needs mixing, and then use it to paint your canvas. This trick will help save your painting from any irreparable damage.

Outline your Painting

A person painting on a paper

You may not need to do this once you become an expert, but it’s always an excellent decision to outline your painting on the canvas with a pencil roughly since you’re beginning to paint.

You may not need to outline entirely, but make sure to make the dominant shapes and focal points. This will help you stay focused and minimize the mistakes you make.

And there you have it! These guidelines will help you become a successful and creative painter.

If you’re looking for unique and affordable paintings to get inspiration to aid you in your painting journey, visit Zareena Qureshi Art.

What makes our paintings stand out is that they are inspired by the realities of life, including spirituality, nature, political issues, and the plight of the common man.

If you’re looking for more art inspiration, contact us today.

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